The Best Of Pregnancy Brain

So I’ve been in the mommy brain haze for almost 6 years now. Of course it gets better as the kids get older but just as I function again I decide to get pregnant again! Silly mommy:)

So the fun things that have happened this pregnancy due to pregnancy brain:

I wore my underwear inside out- all day
The next day I double checked to make sure my underwear were on right just to discover at work they weren’t!

I have worn clothing inside out as well- a shirt, a bra, an apron at work….I’m seeing a pattern here.

I have forgotten picture day at Aiden’s preschool twice. Once not returning the order form so no pics:/

I have gone to bed without brushing my teeth or washing my face!!! Eww I know!

This morning I decided to make cinnamon raisin bread in the bread machine. Easy enough right? Well let’s just say in a but we will enjoying cinnamon bread because mommy forgot to add the raisins:/


About thecoffeeqween

I am a 30 something year old mom, wife, and lover of all things coffee and tea. I have two kick ass boys, a hubs who looks like Collin Ferrell, and a killer job as a store manager for Starbucks. Follow me as I juggle it all downing espresso, raising boys and learning to be happy with what I got!
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4 Responses to The Best Of Pregnancy Brain

  1. Alaina says:

    Ha, funny! When I was pregnant, I left the house with two different shoes on. Didn’t realize it until I was already out and about!

  2. Haha! My pregnancy brain has increased exponentially with my second pregnancy. I am blowing off meetings and deadlines like it’s going out of style. And I can check off the wearing the clothes inside out thing, got that down to a science. I’ve also started stopping at green stoplights, to the utter delight of my fellow urban drivers. And if one day, just one day, I could manage to know where both my keys and my cell phone are, just ONE DAY, I might feel better about it all. Newborn mom fog is gonna be a bitch.

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